Incorporate These 3 Safety Tips Into Your Fire Alarm Monitoring
Prevent Disaster in Your Home with the Right System
Did you know that October is Fire Prevention Month? We take fire safety very seriously here at Lowitt Alarms. Though it’s an unpleasant statistic to mention, an average of seven people die in the U.S. every day from a house fire.
The good news is that house fires are highly preventable with a fire alarm monitoring system and a few awareness tips, which we’ll discuss today. Are you doing everything you can to protect your family? Keep reading to learn some common-sense approaches to avoiding fire risks.
SEE ALSO: 4 Ways to Optimize the Smoke Detectors in Your Home
What Else Might You Need, Besides Alarms?
When it comes to fire safety, just having a system installed isn’t quite enough. You also have to incorporate your own senses to mitigate risk, especially in high-risk areas like the kitchen.
The National Fire Prevention Association suggests three points to promote more awareness about these disasters, just in time for the holidays: look, listen and learn. Most fire-related incidents are directly tied to cooking, which poses a risk since most cooking accidents happen when you’re home. Second, there are usually people around when you’re cooking, most likely throughout your holiday events. Read below for the three fire monitoring suggestions that the NFPA recommends and how you can implement them soon.
1: Look
The first tip is to keep your eyes open for signs of a fire before they even happen. Investigate your home and identify any fire hazards. In the kitchen, free countertops of clutter and turn off all unused appliances. You can inspect all heat sources, like fireplaces, portable heaters and wood stoves and we can make sure all lighting sources and electrical devices are up to date and building code.
2: Listen
Fire often strikes when people are fast asleep, so we recommend additional technology: Working smoke detectors slash the home fire rate in half, according to research. That’s why the NFPA recommends you place a smoke detector in every bedroom, in hallways outside sleeping areas, and at least one on every floor. And you’re still protected if you’re not home to hear them: monitored detectors connect to the rest of your security system, potentially saving people, pets and possessions.
3: Learn
Determine at least two escape opportunities per room and have a clear path to these in case you ever need to use them. Check that your windows and doors open and close easily. We also recommend practicing at-home fire drills. Ask your family to review your fire escape routes and pick a designated meeting space outside.
Contact Us Today!
If you’re looking for complete peace of mind through the holidays and beyond, Lowitt Alarms can set up a custom fire alarm monitoring system that meets your security needs. For a free consultation, call us at 516-433-6960 or contact us online.